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Juli Group held a symposium on "Celebrating International Women's Day"

2021-03-08 0次浏览

In March, the peach blossoms are in full bloom, and on this day of birds and flowers, we ushered in our own festival for our female compatriots - "International Women's Day".


After the careful preparation of the labor union of the group company, on the morning of March 8, all female employees were organized to carry out the "Celebration of International Women's Day" symposium and condolence activities in the company's conference room, and Chairman Cao Jing participated in the symposium.

At the meeting, the chairman emphasized that
female compatriots should have "self-respect", "self-love" and "self-improvement" in life and work. Women's work is an important part of the daily work of the group company, and the company now has a party branch, a trade union committee, a women's federation, and a female employee committee, which is fully capable of protecting the rights and interests of female employees of the company. We should not only create a good working environment, but also strengthen the physical and mental care for female employees, the company will invite relevant experts in the near future to teach you the knowledge of female employees' health knowledge and family relationship management.


After the meeting, the chairman personally distributed holiday gifts

Through this activity, it not only inspired the enthusiasm of the female employees working in the front line, but also relaxed their mood, enhanced the cohesion of the company, and made the female employees fully feel the joy and joy brought to them by the festival, and fully integrated into the big family of cohesion.              

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The Trade Union Committee of Juli Group Company expresses condolences to frontline workers

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"Have a birthday party to warm the hearts of front-line employees" - Juli Group Company launches collective birthday symposium activities in the first quarter


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